Legal Hypothetical: Too young for a will? Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 9, 2024 DANIEL and Amy, in their twenties, purchased their first home a year ago and recently gave birth to their first child. Amy tries to talk to Daniel about their estate planning but Daniel is reluctant to discuss the matter. He says that the subject “gives him the creeps”. A few months pass
Legal Hypothetical: Binding prenuptial agreement? Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 2, 2024 HARRY proposes to Wendy a year after they meet. Wendy says “Yes!” and wedding arrangements commence. Six weeks before the wedding, Wendy asks Harry to sign a prenuptial agreement, saying that her parents will not allow them to marry if he doesn’t sign the agreement. Harry is surprised and upset but
Legal Hypothetical: Investigating the mysteries of Probate Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 25, 2024 NAVIGATING the realm of probate can often seem daunting, leaving many grappling with its complexities. Fundamentally, probate is the legal validation of a deceased individual's will, cataloguing of the assets of the estate, identifying outstanding debts and taxes, and recording the distribution to beneficiaries. The practical intricacies of probate come to
Legal Hypothetical: What is Collaborative Law? Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 18, 2024 JOHN and Judy, both in their 60’s, separate after 40 years of marriage. John built-up a successful business but is now semi-retired. Judy gave up a career to support John and care for their child, Kevin, who has special needs. Judy is still Kevin’s carer. John and Judy wish to proceed with a
Legal Hypothetical: Executor faces contempt of court charges Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 5, 2024 BETTY passed-away 20 years ago. She appointed her son, Daniel, as her executor and left half of her estate to her granddaughter. The granddaughter’s inheritance was approximately $150,000. Betty’s will stated that her executor was to hold her granddaughter’s inheritance on trust, until she turned 21. She recently attained that age. Due
RFS enlists surf lifesaver for aerial beach patrols Coffs Coast Hypothetical - A Legal Look Nambucca Valley by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 22, 2024 A RURAL Fire Service (RFS) aerial patrol from Red Rock to South West Rocks has taken on board a surf lifesaver to look out for rips and dangerous surf conditions, isolated swimmers and other threats such as sharks. Covering 100 kilometres of coastline, the patrol has commenced running on busy days
Legal Hypothetical: Location Location Location Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 21, 2024 A WILL seeks to ensure your testamentary intentions are upheld but what happens when the will itself goes missing? That's the situation facing Dave’s intended beneficiaries. According to Dave's will, the majority of his estate is left to his two children from his second marriage, Harriet and Daisy and his new
Legal Hypothetical: Properly documenting Granny Flat arrangements Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 14, 2024 GLORIA, who was widowed a few years ago, intends to build a self-contained unit on her son’s property. She will use her savings to build the ‘granny flat’ and will rely on the Age Pension to meet her living expenses. She wishes to live in the granny flat for the
Legal Hypothetical: What is a wish and what is a will? Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 8, 2024March 8, 2024 KATE makes a will, leaving $200,000 and her motor vehicle to her friend Peter. She leaves the rest of her estate to her three grandchildren. Six months prior to her death, Kate writes a note stating: “I wish to leave my house to Peter because he was the only one who
Legal Hypothetical: Lucy gets last laugh? Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 1, 2024 BILL and Matilda recently purchased a ‘renovator’s delight’. Lucy, a young builder, was hired by Bill and Matilda to assist with the renovation. The three formed quite the team and enjoyed long working days and the not-so-occasional knock-off drinks. Their friendship grew strong. One day, Lucy informed her friends that her rental accommodation