Legal Hypothetical: Fallout after ‘life interest’ abandoned Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 29, 2024 WHEN Frank and his wife divorce, their adult daughter, Amanda moves into the matrimonial home with Frank. Amanda contributes to the payment of a lump sum to her mother, in return for her transferring her interest in the home to Frank. Amanda also pays for significant renovations to the property. To protect
Legal Hypothetical: Judge considers executorial responsibilities Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 18, 2024 PAM and Peter are the only beneficiaries of their late father’s estate. Pam is appointed as the sole executor. Pam retains a solicitor and in accordance with the legal advice that she receives, attends to realising the assets of the estate. Pam’s solicitor publishes the usual “Notice of Intended Distribution” online and
Legal Hypothetical: Tribunal reviews shares of proceeds of sale Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 13, 2024 ROBERT and Ruth have been married for 40 years. They share a son and each have another child from a previous relationship. Ruth has lost the capacity to manage her financial affairs and is under the financial management of the NSW Trustee and Guardian. Robert and Ruth’s jointly owned home is sold
Legal Hypothetical: Joint owners at loggerheads Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 5, 2024 AFTER Nigel died, his iconic family property was left to his two surviving nephews, Alex and Ben. The property was transferred to Alex and Ben as joint tenants. Alex lived in the property for ten years, but as his circumstances changed, he became eager to sell it and use the proceeds
Legal Hypothetical: DNA test sought by potential claimant Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 29, 2024 SAM passed away 20 years ago. His wife, Ruth, is now 90 years of age. Paul was recently told by his mother that despite what he had been led to believe during his lifetime, Sam was in fact his biological father. Having not received any inheritance from Sam’s estate, Paul files a
Legal Hypothetical: Sibling rivalry requires Court intervention Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 22, 2024 MARY makes a will leaving two thirds of her estate to her son, Michael and one third of her estate to her daughter, Jane. She appoints Michael as her executor. When Mary passes-away, Jane claims that the will was the subject of undue influence and on the basis that Mary lacked
Legal Hypothetical: Complex estate planning options Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 15, 2024 JACK and Jill have been married for many years and each have two children from previous relationships. They own their $2m home jointly and they each have substantial investments in their sole names. They consider making wills to the effect that they leave the whole of their estates to each other and
Legal Hypothetical: ‘Binding’ agreement assessed in light of hardship Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 8, 2024 LOVE blossomed between Jenny and Dave, a 30-something couple and before long they were talking about marriage. They made the pragmatic decision to enter into a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA), sometimes referred to as a “Prenup”, before tying the knot. Jenny and Dave, meticulously drafted the agreement, reflecting their mutual respect and
Legal Hypothetical: Home-made will dispute Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 2, 2024 LARRY is married with three children. He makes a formal will leaving the whole of his estate to his wife. When his relationship with his wife breaks down, Larry moves out of home and writes a new will on his computer, leaving the whole of his estate to his children. He
Legal Hypothetical: Friendship and financial ruin Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 26, 2024 JESSICA and Elyse were the best of friends. Jessica recently triumphed over a life-threatening illness and decided to chase her long-held dream of opening a small business specialising in flowers and cakes. Jessica's dream began to take shape when she secured a $50,000 loan from the bank but despite this achievement, she