Legal Hypothetical: Caught Sneaking Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 21, 2022 Caught Sneaking DAVID was very excited when he decided to start his own business, being a retro sneakers shop. He found a property that was previously an architect's office located next to several cafés and retail stores with plenty of foot traffic. David signed a three year lease with option to renew. The lease
Legal Hypothetical: Landlady and lodger arrangement leads to claim on estate Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 14, 2022 Landlady and lodger arrangement leads to claim on estate TINA owns her own home and lives alone. She never married and has no children. Tina decides to offer her spare room up for board and Peter soon moves into her house. Peter receives a disability support pension and has not been employed for several
Legal Hypothetical: Measure twice, Court once Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 31, 2022 Measure twice, Court once. NATALIE found a perfect block to build her new home. Prior to purchase, Natalie’s solicitor informs her that there was a carriageway running through the western side of the property in favour of her neighbour, Barbara. Nevertheless, Natalie proceeds with the purchase of the property. Barbara as a generational landowner
Legal Hypothetical: What is a grant of Letters of Administration? Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 25, 2022 What is a grant of Letters of Administration? TONY makes a will leaving the whole of his estate to his three children. He appoints his brother as his executor. When Tony passes-away many years later, his children take the will to Tony’s bank and ask for the proceeds of his bank accounts to
Legal Hypothetical: Death-bed gifting dispute Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 17, 2022 Death-bed gifting dispute HOWARD is terminally ill and in the final days of his life, he decides to give his friend Sarah, a gift as she had been by his side during the last twelve months. Howard hands Sarah his debit card, tells her his PIN number and says, “I want you
Legal Hypothetical: Estranged child makes claim Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 9, 2022 Estranged child makes claim MARY makes a will leaving the whole of her estate to her son David. She makes no provision for her son Peter and her will includes a notation stating that “Peter has chosen not to communicate with me for many years”. When Mary passes-away at the age of 80,
Legal Hypothetical – Burial at sea: The legalities Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 6, 2022 Burial at sea: The legalities BARRY, a retired professional fisherman, makes a will which includes a provision to the effect that upon his death, he wishes for his remains to be the subject of a burial at sea. Barry appoints his son, William as his executor. Many years later, Barry passes-away and William
Legal Hypothetical: Second bite at cherry after divorce Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 24, 2022 Second bite at cherry after divorce PETER and Michelle separate after a 20 year relationship. Twelve months later, a divorce order is granted. Peter puts an offer to Michelle regarding the division of their property. They both seek legal advice. The parties ultimately settle on a 60/40 split in favour of Michelle. Consent orders under the
Legal Hypothetical: No stick for Slick Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 17, 2022 No stick for Slick PAUL and Amy purchased a vacant block of land and are ready to build their new home. They settle on Slick Homes as their builder. During the negotiations with Slick Homes, Amy was adamant that the house had to be ready for Christmas the following year. This timeframe gave Slick
Legal Hypothetical: Mid-transaction Tragedy Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 9, 2022 Mid-transaction Tragedy ROBERT sells his home for $1 million. A deposit of $100,000 is paid on the exchange of contracts and settlement is scheduled to occur 42 days later. Unfortunately, Robert unexpectedly passes-away three weeks after contracts are exchanged. The contract contains the standard conditions, which do not allow the purchaser to ‘rescind’ or