Legal Hypothetical Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 8, 2022 KEVIN and Julie are successful investors in local property and decided to assist their friends Wayne and Gabby, who had recently married, enter the market. The idea was that Wayne would borrow his share from Kevin and Julie and that Gabby would pay her own share; so all parties contributed
Legal Hypothetical: Claim on Grandfather’s estate amid history of drug abuse Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 30, 2022 Claim on Grandfather’s estate amid history of drug abuse PETER’S parents divorce when he is ten years of age. Peter resides with his mother during his teenage years and has little to do with his father. In his late teens, Peter develops a heroin addiction. This addiction led to Peter being on
Legal Hypothetical – What is a notary public? Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 24, 2022 What is a notary public? VINCENT migrated from Italy 30 years ago and lives happily on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. Vincent’s family remained in Italy and when his father passes away, a dispute arises regarding his estate. Vincent is close to his sister and trusts that she will be
Legal Hypothetical: Different residences preserve relationship Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 15, 2022 Different residences preserve relationship JACK and Jill have been married for 40 years. Ten years ago, Jack moves out of the matrimonial home and into separate accommodation. Five years ago, Jack is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and moves into an aged-care facility. When Jack passes-away, he is receiving a pension from his superannuation fund. Jill
Legal Hypothetical: Deemed consent and non-disclosure Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 10, 2022 MAX and Dave were joint owners of a café business. They both executed a retail lease, which had three years to run with an option to renew for an additional 5 years. Max had a young family and found it difficult to juggle work, kids and surfing, so he decided to sell
Legal Hypothetical: Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill Passed Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 2, 2022 Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill Passed THIS week, we take a break from the usual format of this column to address the recent passing of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, which has been of interest to many of my clients. Although the Bill has been passed, voluntary assisted dying or VAD, is not
OPINION: Court-made Will considerations Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 29, 2022 Court-made Will considerations LUCAS is involved in a serious car accident at three years of age. He suffers a severe brain injury which significantly affects his cognitive development. Lucas is placed under the care of the Department of Child Safety. His mother is not involved in his daily care amid accusations of neglect and
Legal Hypothetical: Donald had nose bent out of joint Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 18, 2022 Donald had nose bent out of joint THE Benders were pioneering banana growers in north-east NSW. Brian was the patriarch of the Bender family and when he died, he left his share of the plantations, and commercial properties to his children George and Isobel. George and Isobel continued the tradition and became key
Legal Hypothetical: Family provision claim made against brother’s estate Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 12, 2022 Family provision claim made against brother’s estate BARRY has never been married and has no children. He has two sisters and a brother named William. William retired from his work as a manual labourer at the age of 55 due to health reasons. He assists Barry in maintaining his home and takes Barry shopping
Legal Hypothetical: Joint ownership traps Hypothetical - A Legal Look by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 6, 2022 JOHN and Tony are good friends who have known each other for many years. They are both looking to buy an investment property and decide to pool their resources and purchase a property together. They find a large rural property which includes two separate dwellings. They each contribute to the purchase price and