Legal Hypothetical: Finally… a sunset cruise Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 6, 2025 NATALIE purchased a vehicle, sight unseen from a dealership in Sydney, trusting the dealership's word that the car is in "immaculate condition," and “there is nothing wrong with it”. When the car turned up, Natalie was so excited and thought it looked great. However, on closer inspection, Natalie realised the
Legal Hypothetical: Buy cheap, pay dear Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 26, 2025 WENDY makes a new will with the assistance of a solicitor. The “simple” will leaves the whole of her estate to six of her favourite nieces and nephews. The will is properly executed in the presence of two independent witnesses. Years later, Wendy’s relationship with another one of her nieces improves
Legal Hypothetical: Planning options for blended families Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 20, 2025 JOHN owns his Smith Street home outright. He has two children from a previous relationship and has since been in a long-term de facto relationship with Joan. John talks to his solicitor about his estate planning. When John passes away, he wants to make sure that Joan will be able to reside
Legal Hypothetical: High Court hears of broken promise Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 13, 2025 SAMANTHA owns a farm upon which the cultivation of a variety of vegetables is conducted. Robert works on the farm, but only receives an irregular and low income as compensation for his efforts. After her husband’s death, Samantha tells Robert that if he continues to work on the farm, her will inherit
Legal Hypothetical: Landlord looks the other way Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 7, 2025 MICKS Marketing Pty Ltd (MM) leased a commercial building from Sub Tropics Commercial Pty Ltd (STC) and after a couple of years, significant cracking appeared in the exterior walls of the building. MM promptly informed STC about the damage, emphasising the need for maintenance to prevent further issues. However,
Legal Hypothetical: Swings and roundabouts in the Supreme Court Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 30, 2025 TANYA moves in with her grandmother, Helen, for several years before she signs a rental agreement and continues to stay there until Helen’s death. Helen makes a will, dividing her estate equally amongst her children and Tanya, with the effect that they each receive a quarter of her estate. When Helen makes
Legal Hypothetical: Time to tick-off a new year’s resolution Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 23, 2025 AS is common for many people at this time of year, Jack and Jill make a new year’s resolution to “get their house in order” in terms of their estate planning. They see a solicitor specialising in this field and are advised that the traditional estate planning package consists of three
Legal Hypothetical: Balancing the needs of a blended family Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 16, 2025 DAVID passes-away aged 65, leaving his second wife, Mary and his only daughter, Donna. David did not have a will. David and Mary owned a home jointly, worth $1.5 million and held joint bank accounts totalling $600,000. These joint assets passed to Mary by way of “survivorship”. David’s only other asset of significant
Legal Hypothetical: The Grinch v Santa Claus Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 19, 2024 ON Christmas Eve, Santa and his reindeer were making their annual delivery rounds and as they were soaring across Whoville they stopped in at the Grinch’s home, eager to deliver a sprinkle of Christmas cheer. When landing on the Grinch’s roof, Rudolph slipped and damaged several roof tiles. Unbeknownst to Santa,
Legal Hypothetical: Grandchildren fight to occupy home Hypothetical - A Legal Look Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 11, 2024 MATTHEW passes-away at the age of 80 years, without leaving a will. Matthew is survived by two daughters, Penny and Dianne. Penny has three children. Penny and her three children lived with Matthew for many years and continue to reside in his home. Matthew also left $150,000 in shares and cash. In the absence