FUNDRAISING Event: 25 March 2023 THIS year the Nambucca Red Cross Branch are holding a High-Tea on Saturday 25 March between 2 and 4 pm. Tickets are $15.00 per head and can be purchased at the Red Cross Gift Shop in Bowra Street, next to the Teahouse. All
Pacific Palms, Blueys Bch, Smiths Lake
Protecting ecology in Pacific Palms
MidCoast Council is holding consultations on a planning proposal and agreement which will see the rezoning of two hectares of land for development, and 60 hectares for dedication of ecologically significant land at Pacific Palms. Modern Media: Advertise with News Of The Area and you get your ad in 1) in
Westpac Helicopter Rescues Scuba Divers
Primary mission winch rescue Seal Rocks
Bulahdelah Men’s Shed included in the Great Lakes Spring Food Trail
Lucy Land Merino Farm on the Great Lakes Spring Food Trial
Council extends upgrade of The Lakes Way Bungwahl
MidCoast Council has reconstructed a 600 metre section of The Lakes Way in time for the busy holiday season, south of the upgrade completed in 2015 near the Seal Rocks Road intersection at Bungwahl. The project included the reconstruction and widening of the road, construction of new concrete dish drains to
Backyard Bushcare is coming to Pacific Palms
Backyard Bushcare is coming to Pacific Palms MidCoast Council has successfully secured a $100,000 grant from the NSW Government's Environmental Trust for a three year bushland protection program for the Pacific Palms area. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE "Thanks to Council's Environmental Special Rate, we have leverage to obtain grant funding from the
Shark attack at Booti Booti near Forster, man with severe limb injury
A man has been attacked by a shark this morning, 1 December 2016, at a Booti Booti Beach, which is just between Forster and Pacific Palms. The 65 year-old male was bitten by the shark and has suffered severe lower limb injuries. The man has been airlifted from Pacific Palms Bowling Club
Celebrate the October long weekend with a tour of the Sugarloaf Point
The annual opening of Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse tower, located in the Myall lakes National Park on the New South Wales’ mid north coast, is set for Sunday 2nd October, 2016. NPWS Ranger, Rachel Kempers said Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse was built in 1875 and this event is an opportunity to celebrate the