Autumn Doubles at Nelson Bay Croquet Club

Winners Greg Long and Les Guzowski.

NELSON Bay Croquet Club’s first intra-club competition of 2023, the Autumn Doubles, was played on Sunday 5 March 2023.

24 members entered and were paired on handicap into evenly matched teams that were then randomly selected into three blocks of four doubles each.

Each doubles team would play three round-robin games leading to a semi-final and final.

The competition comprised 13-point games with a time limit of 50 minutes.

In Block A, Marion Graff and Marty Quirke won all three games with Frank Orton and Rae Uptin second with two wins.

Lyn Baker and Jane Scorer and Rob Batho and Kath Orton also played in this block.

In Block B, Beryl Chalkley and Allen Lees finished on top with two wins but a better hoop difference (+6) than Peter Gordon and Jan Marshall (-2).

Col Chalkley and Karen Lilly and Sherry Gordon and Jeff Pettifer also played in this block.

In Block C, Les Guzowski and Greg Long won all three games with Gary Allan and Liz Friend second with two wins.

Faby Batho and Barry Elliott and Bruce Chapman and David Smith also played in this block.

The semi-finals were tightly contested and both were finished at the expiration of the time limit.

Les Guzowski and Greg Long beat Marion Graff and Marty Quirke 5-3 while Gary Allan and Liz Friend (best second place team) beat Beryl Chalkley and Allen Lees 5-4.

The final was also a close game, with Les and Greg triumphing 5-3 over Gary and Liz.

A great day for the club with the competition played in brilliant sunshine but with the heat tempered by a strong breeze.

For further information about the Club, visit or email


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