Everyone wins when we share the shore

Migratory shorebirds travel to Myall Coast beaches each year to nest and feed.

SHOREBIRD nesting season has begun, please take care and follow the rules when four-wheel driving, walking dogs and using the beach.

Migratory shorebirds come to our local beaches each year to nest and feed.

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It’s one of the many reasons we love where we live.

The birds nest on our beaches in summer.

Their well-camouflaged eggs and chicks on sand nests are almost invisible.

Beach drivers, foxes, dogs and walkers may crush the eggs or disturb parent birds, keeping them away from the nest.

This leaves eggs and chicks vulnerable to predation from dogs and seagulls.

We can do a lot to help by being aware and taking care.

Drive within the intertidal zone, keep out of fenced areas, and report any fox sightings to Council.

Keep control of your dog on the beach at all times and away from any fenced or sign-marked nesting areas.

Don’t take firewood from nesting beaches, as driftwood provides useful shelter for young chicks.

Prime nesting beaches for the endangered birds include the Harrington, Farquhar/Manning Point and the Winda Woppa area.

“Over the past few nesting seasons we’ve noticed our 4WD community has been doing the right thing and following beach driving rules,” said Council’s Manager of Natural Systems, Gerard Tuckerman.

“We’re hoping this excellent care will continue this nesting season.”

The Share the Shore message is supported by NSW Department of Primary Industries, Planning and Environment, Local Land Services, Crown Lands, Taree Indigenous Development Employment and volunteer bird groups.

Funding for the program comes from our environmental rate, with our rangers playing a role in enforcement.

The NSW Government’s Saving our Species program funds a shorebird warden and provides the fencing and signage materials.

For more information on sharing the shore, visit www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/ShareTheShore

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