OPINION: Wasting baby boomers’ lifetimes of experience?

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN the past ten years thousands of baby boomers (with extensive skills and experience) have retired.

What a wasted opportunity.

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They would have been excellent mentors to pass on valuable skills in numerous professions and much needed trades.

This equates to a lifetime of practical knowledge, which could never be taught at university or TAFE!

The previous government has been very negligent in patting themselves on the back over low unemployment figures, whilst at the same time ignoring their lack of foresight in addressing future skill shortages in multiple workplaces!

Perhaps it is not too late – many retirees could be encouraged to rejoin the workforce, on a part time basis, without it affecting their pension, to pass on invaluable skills to young people.

Instead increasing the number of skilled migrants is not necessarily the answer, there are already too many skilled migrants in Australia, not working in their profession because their excellent overseas qualifications are not recognised, and they are barely supporting themselves as Uber drivers or cleaners!

So, instead of adding to this problem, train Australians, and employ the existing underutilised workforce by accepting their years of overseas experience and qualifications!

Coffs Harbour.

One thought on “OPINION: Wasting baby boomers’ lifetimes of experience?

  1. The experiences and skills of older people need to be acknowledged and promoted.
    Many, however, do use their skills via Rotary (and other service clubs, for example). in mentoring and doing many other activities.
    We wrote of 101 retirees around Australia who retired and didn’t like it or retired and wanted something else to do so establihsed profitable hobbies and home based businesses – using their skills and knowledge (with many helping others along the way)..

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