Bulahdelah Golf Club

Jim Parnell, the Hole-in-one winner.

WEDNESDAY 24 August was cold and windy, and the ladies played a Monthly Mug.

The winner was M.South with 75nett from B.Gordon with 82nett.

No NTP, so the Jackpot will carry over again.

The Vets finally got a game in on Thursday 25 August and 15 players enjoyed the sunshine.

A.Jobson was the winner with 38 points from D.Brown (34pts) and K.Hughes (31pts).

NTPs were T.Crowther, S.Sharp and D.Schoonhoven.

Saturday 27 August was a Monthly Mug and 32 players contested the event.

S.McNaughton won the Mug with 71nett on a C/B from M.Styles.

B Grade winner was H.Pierson with 72nett on a C/B from J.Parnell.

Ladies’ Mug winner was B.Gordon with 75nett from B.Newton with 78nett.

Long drivers were W.Thomson, M.Styles, S.Moss and T-L.Smith.

NTPs were C.Littlechild, M.Styles, J.Parnell, H.Pierson and B.Newton.

H.Pierson also won the $32 Jackpot.

The big news of the day was a very exciting Hole-In-One by J.Parnell.

The celebrations could be heard all around the course.

Well done Jim.

By Thora-Lou SMITH

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