OPINION: Blinded by the light of ‘Renewable Religion’ Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 29, 2022 DEAR News Of The Area, WAYNE Duesbury (NOTA 19/8/22), was right. I am fearful for the future of our country, not because of the possible effects of a changing climate, but because of the certain effects of our misguided path to ‘Net Zero’. Wind and solar, as any electrically literate person should know, cannot reliably or continuously supply electricity, and any form of storage at the scale required does not exist, nor likely to. The environmental and social effects of proposed wind and solar farms, and associated transmission lines, on land, landscape, communities, and wildlife are huge and devastating. The financial cost is enormous, and revenue loss from shutting down the coal and gas industries hardly gets a mention. Our leaders who are promoting this descent into disaster are either naive, ignorant, or “blinded by the light” of Renewable Religion. I believe few people at present are aware of the scale of this approaching catastrophe, and I don’t know how this can be addressed, as any attempt to bring realism to this subject often produces a highly emotional backlash. The simplest and only way to achieve Net Zero and still have a functioning modern society is to establish a nuclear-powered electricity grid. Of course nuclear has problems (what doesn’t), but nuclear works NOW, safely and efficiently, and its problems are more easily solved than those which will emerge (and are emerging) with wind and solar. I hope common sense will prevail before too much damage is done, but I’m not confident. We really do need a wide-ranging public information campaign and discussion on our Net Zero future, using all the facts, not just those which fit with renewable propaganda. Regards, Peter DINGLE, Urunga.