Students at Frank Partridge VC School become food waste warriors

Frank Partridge VC Public School students, Remi Frewin, Dylan Stuart and Phoenix Donnan at The Lunch Makers program.

STUDENTS and staff at Frank Partridge VC Public School in Nambucca Valley have been actively involved in learning about how to reduce food waste and make their own lunches through ‘The Lunch Makers’ program designed to cut food waste and help families save money and help the environment.

“The Frank Partridge VC Public School students have been doing some fantastic food-waste education work with MidWaste, using the NSW Love Food Hate Waste program and OzHarvest FEAST program,” MidWaste Project Officer Wendy Grant told News Of The Area.

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The ‘Lunch Makers’ program was rolled out during Term 2 across the school to more than 200 students in years K to 6, reaching more than 160 families in the Nambucca Valley.

Students and families have learned useful tips and tricks each week to make the most of the food they buy, and students were empowered to get more involved in making their own lunch.

“Frank Partridge school is really embracing the program and making the most of all the activities,” Wendy said.

“Based on recent studies, it is estimated each Australian student throws away more than three kilograms of edible food annually – an estimated 3.5 million uneaten sandwiches, three million pieces of whole fruit and 1.3 million items of packaged foods.

“With 1,243,835 combined student enrolments in Government and non-Government schools in NSW in 2020, this potentially amounts to more than 3700 tonnes of edible food waste every year,” she said.

Students and staff at Frank Partridge VC Public School joined MidWaste and the NSW Love Food Hate Waste team to run the program during the second term.

“It’s a lovely collaboration,” said Wendy.

Teachers Taleah Hawkins and Lisa Scott said the program was a great success.

“The Lunch Makers program has increased our staff, children, and families’ understanding of the value of food and how important it is to reduce food wastage,” they said.

“We have explored the journey that food goes on before it hits our plate and have expanded our understanding of healthy foods, through cooking and preparing healthy snacks, sharing recipes, and thoroughly enjoyed a week covered in flour as the students created healthy lunch wraps.

“The Stage 3 students were mentors supporting our younger students in the program, using our frying pans and resources from the wonderful OzHarvest FEAST program.

“Adam Bull has been a great support from Nambucca Woolworths, supplying examples of The Odd Bunch produce for our students to use.”

Wendy added, “I always encourage participants to do the OzHarvest FEAST program as it complements The Lunch Makers so well.

“All families can learn how to reduce food waste at home by signing up for the free online Food Smart program.”


This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.


One thought on “Students at Frank Partridge VC School become food waste warriors

  1. I love to hear of these efforts to help everyone learn useful ways to eat better @
    more sustainable. Luckily my mum taught
    me her practical approach to food. On with the good work!

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