The first six months: Bellingen Shire Mayor reports on achievements and challenges

In its first six months Bellingen Shire Council is faring well under the leadership of Mayor Allan. Photo: Jack Meagher.


IT’S been just six months since the Local Government elections were held in December 2021 and a new Council installed in Bellingen Shire under the leadership of Mayor Stephen Allan.

It’s been a challenging period for the whole North Coast and particularly so for the widespread Bellingen Shire, where the new Council found itself dealing with crises from the start.

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Mayor Allan spoke to News Of The Area to provide insight into the Council’s projects and progress.

What do you personally like most about being Mayor?

“What I like most about being the Mayor is the opportunity to learn so much more about our Shire,” Mayor Allan said.

“We have such diversity in our community, in our landscape and environment, and in our local economy which engenders diverse opinions, aspirations and values.

“As Mayor I’m in the fortunate position to be able to meet many people across our Shire and learn what they believe is important today and for the future.”

What are some of the challenges?

“Obviously, the first six months of this year has presented many challenges to Bellingen Shire due to the extreme weather events that caused flooding and multiple landslips, compounded by the continuous rain associated with the La Nina weather pattern.

“Council has had to respond to the damage caused by these events across our network while maintaining its Capital Works programs and services to our community.

“The ongoing challenge for Council is trying to resource and deliver programs and projects that align with the aspirations of our community in an environment of highly regulated and restricted funding opportunities and rapidly escalating costs.”

Are you satisfied with what has been achieved so far?

“Council has been very busy in this first six months developing and adopting a suite of strategic plans in line with legislation.

“This includes the refreshed Community Vision 2035, which is the long-term vision for the Shire, the Long Term Financial Plan, the Operational Plan and the Delivery Plan which gives shape to the Vision over the next ten years, four and one years respectively.

“Council has also adopted the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026, which guides our way to make Bellingen Shire inclusive of everyone and to provide equal opportunity for people with disability to participate in all aspects of life across our Shire.

“Council continues to work on finalising a refreshed Economic Development and Tourism Plan and to work towards Eco-Tourism accreditation for the Shire.

“A successful Business forum was held in June to discuss plans and strategies for economic development.

“Despite the challenges presented by the weather, Council has progressed the Bridge Renewal program with Pine Creek 2 Bridge completed and works on Bielsdown Bridge and Cob O Corn Bridge progressing.

“Also progressing well now is the work to complete the transformation of the Memorial Hall in Bellingen, the Dangar Falls Reserve Playground upgrade, and the Dorrigo to Dangar Falls Pathway.

“Council has also recently replaced the amenities at Roses Reserve and Alma Doepel Reserve and completed the Ford Street/Crown Street Retaining Walls.

“Council was successful in securing funding in conjunction with Reflections Urunga to improve the accessibility of the Urunga Lido area and its amenities.

“Council has continued to work towards improved Resilience in our community and Council’s Resilience Team provided valued support to many people across our Shire who were impacted by the weather events experienced this year.

“I’m satisfied that all Councillors and Council staff have worked as hard as they possibly could to meet the needs and expectations of our community, and to provide the best outcomes, often in difficult circumstances.

“That said, there is always more to be done.”

According to Mayor Allan, the most pressing needs for the Shire at this time are:
· The Sewering Coastal Villages Project that will see Mylestom, Repton and Raleigh connected to the sewerage system
· The Alternate route from Dorrigo to the coast via the Eastern Dorrigo Way
· Jobs and business growth
· Affordable housing
· Communication and connectivity
· Water security
· Protecting our environment and climate change
· Improved community engagement and communication

How is the Council addressing them?

“Having identified the pressing needs in the Community Vision process, Council creates action plans in its Operational and Delivery Plans to then work through.

“Council continues to advocate for the necessary funding to deliver the larger projects and for improvements to infrastructure such as the mobile phone and NBN networks.

“Through the Housing Strategy Plan, Council is addressing issues around affordable housing and supporting projects looking at novel solutions.

“Council is investigating water security to ensure adequate supply of fresh water into the future which included holding a recent forum at which a deliberative panel considered options.

“Councillors and Council staff have focused on better and wider communication with our community through both traditional media and social media.

“There has also been the introduction of Mayoral Forums which will be held throughout the year (such as the recent Business Forum) where a variety of themes will be discussed as a way of improving community engagement.”

How can residents be involved in the decision-making process?

“The best way for residents to be involved is by engaging with the communication processes – through the Council website, social media, surveys, phone calls or email.

“Communication is a two-way process so I encourage our community to share their opinions with Council.”

What are your favourite places to spend time in Bellingen Shire?

“I love kayaking on the Kalang River and Bellinger River down on the seaboard or riding my bike to Hungry Head for a swim at the beach.

“I equally enjoy a walk through the rainforest, such as the magnificent Wonga Walk in the Dorrigo National Park.

“We are blessed with a wide range of pristine natural environments across the Bellingen Shire.”



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