Committee sets its sights on speed limits


HOW are speed limits impacting driver behaviour and safety on regional roads?

The Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety is conducting an inquiry into speed limits and road safety in regional New South Wales, the Hon. Lou Amato MLC, Chair of the Committee, announced last week.

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“Speed limits are an important part of road safety,” said Mr Amato.

“We want to hear what people who regularly travel long distances on rural and regional roads think of the current speed limits, including their experiences of variable speed limits.

“We’re interested in whether the current speed limits are still suitable, as well as their impact on drivers as they travel and go about their daily business.”

The Committee will also look at the impact of improved vehicle technology and road infrastructure on speed limits and road safety in regional areas.

“The experiences of people who live, work and frequently travel through regional New South Wales will help inform the Committee as it considers how speed limits influence and protect us while we are on the road.”

More information, including the inquiry’s terms of reference and how to make a submission, is on the Committee’s webpage at

Submissions to the inquiry close on 5 July 2022.

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