Nambucca author Annie Seaton is brewing another book

Inspiring travels – Annie at her desk in the van at Mission Beach.

NAMBUCCA author Annie Seaton is brewing a new book.

But where is it set this time?

For most of the year you’ll find Annie Seaton sitting at her desk at home near the beach in Nambucca Heads.

Writing new stories, editing and creating covers for other authors, or marketing her books, Annie puts in long days; leading to a highly successful career as a well-known Australian author.

However, come autumn each year, Annie and her husband, Ian, pack up the off-road caravan, hook up the four-wheel drive and head off in search of inspiration for new stories.

Annie’s books – often called eco-adventure fiction – have been set in many of the landscapes they have visited over the past ten years: Kakadu, the Daintree, the East Kimberleys, the Larapinta Trail, the Whitsundays and the Undara Lava tubes.

With her November release ‘East of Alice’ (HQ Fiction), set in Alice Springs and Ruby Gap Nature Park, Annie has moved into the outback crime genre.

Many reviewers have said Annie’s depiction of landscape is so strong the landscape almost becomes a character in its own right and is an integral part of each story.

Annie’s research method is often serendipitous as they stumble on new landscapes in their travels.

When News Of The Area caught up with Annie, she and Ian had settled in their van on a grassy site opposite Mission Beach.

Her afternoon of writing had taken place on a jetty while her husband fished.

Annie told News Of The Area, “We’ve been on the road for almost six weeks now, travelling north through Western NSW, up through outback Queensland, stopping in small towns for library talks on the way, and then heading up to the Gulf.

“A quick trip east across the Savannah Way and then a trip up to Cooktown where inspiration struck after a chance conversation in the rainforest near Finch Bay.”

Annie says she is rested and refreshed, adding, “My outdoor work area on the beach is inspirational as I listen to birdsong, look out at the tropical foliage and write.”

You can find out more about our local author Annie Seaton on her website at


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