THE 3Rs – rest, refuel, recover – Coffs Harbour overnight shelter for the homeless project, founded by Doris Cowan, is one or two steps further on after a fundraising day selling surplus donations of homewares and clothes at Harbourside Markets on Sunday (3 April).
Raising $800, the money went to buying a box trailer with a logo, in which 3Rs will store camp beds and bedding during the day until a permanent residence is secured.

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The stall was organised by Kim Towner, business owner of The Happy Frog in Coffs Harbour who donated the space to Doris.
A team of five represented the 3Rs project at the Markets.
“My husband Dave, Julie from OzHarvest who transported clothes and racks in her van, my good friends Kathy Ward and Sheryl Tamini and I worked the stall from early morning,” Doris told News Of The Area.
“My team of volunteers floated in throughout the day and were great advertisers for 3Rs homeless shelter.
“A number of people specifically came to ask about the project, from the stories in News Of The Area.
“One couple in particular had already enquired about buying camp beds through (supporter) MOtackle, yet wanted to double check on size – they then purchased two camp beds the following week.”
These camp beds will be used to bed-down the homeless once the overnight shelter has a premises.
“Two representatives from Men For Mentors, John and David, came to support us and spoke to quite a few people about what their support organisation does.
“They also were happy to serve our customers and support our project.
“Gary Sandow, a volunteer I met through the Community Christmas Luncheon when he sold raffle tickets prior to Christmas, spent time walking around to other stall holders selling raffle tickets.
“Thank you, Gary, this is your calling,” said Doris.
Kathy Ward took over this job in the afternoon.
“Raffle prizes were donated by the Surf Club Restaurant and Bar Coffs Harbour, Sarah’s Hair and OzHarvest.
“By chance, Cr Jonathan Cassell for the Greens had a stall right next to us; he chatted to me about the 3Rs project for a while and is going to follow it up.”
Thanks also go to Best and Less Moonee for donating the bundles of hangers for the clothes to hang on the racks, for sale.
Rotary Daybreak has a meeting with Council soon, to discuss the outcome of a proposed location.
“Fingers crossed,” said Doris.
“Our 3Rs project now needs funding to put towards a food van that will help enormously to feed the homeless.
“In order to fundraise, Rotary Daybreak Coffs Harbour is holding a Rally Day later in the month.”