OPINION: A New Bogeyman: The Evil Far Left


DEAR News Of The Area,

ACCORDING to a recent post to Facebook page called Coffs Harbour Nationals – since removed – we seem to have a new bogeyman to add to ‘the Yellow Peril’ and ‘Reds under the Beds’.

It’s called the ‘Evil Far Left’, and they said it’s trying to capture ‘Our Cowper’.

If they are referring to Climate 200 (C200), then this is an initiative co-founded by Simon Holmes à Court and Mike Cannon Brookes a couple of years ago because of widespread frustration over the Coalition’s refusal to act on climate change.

C200 has generated a sizeable war chest tapping into the frustration of thousands around the country who see the two-party system as broken.

This money is used to fund the campaigns of community Independent candidates prepared to run on a platform of Climate Change, Integrity and Respect.

Candidates are selected by their communities, not by C200.

C200 has no say in the formulation of policy of these candidates.

Each election, Labor and the Coalition raise eye-watering sums from business and unions to fund candidates who will then vote according to their respective party lines.

These party lines often correspond with business lines…hmm?

C200 has raised a fraction of those sums from business and individual supporters to fund candidates who will vote according to their individual consciences.

These C200 supporters do indeed expect something in return.

They expect action on Climate Change, Integrity and Respect.

If this is Evil…Far Left…please explain…?

In May either Labor or the Coalition will achieve government but to do so they will be forced to negotiate with Independents.

I expect to see, very quickly:

• A real Federal ICAC to root out the rorts
• A substantial move to renewables.

Now that would be a great result for Australia!

Roger BURKE,

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