ADVERTISING FEATURE: Struggling with Schoolwork? – The Education Centre can help

Small group tuition is excellent for building confidence as they interact with their peers on their road back to the enjoyment of learning.


DID you see your children struggling with their schoolwork when they were home during lockdown?

Many parents were unaware that their child was having difficulty with their work at school until they saw for themselves at home.

A lot of students suffered through lock down and there were plenty who just lost interest.

Now is a great time to help them get back on their feet and build their confidence.

Now is the time to support them with some extracurricular help.

The teachers at school are doing their best, but there are a lot of pressures for teachers with all the extra work they do behind the scenes.

There is also a shortage of teachers in schools.

The Education Centre can support your child and help them get their confidence back by regular tuition with a focus on filling those gaps of knowledge that seem to be holding them back from achieving.

Small group tuition is excellent for building confidence as they interact with their peers on their road back to the enjoyment of learning.

The change in the demeanour of the students after only a few tuition sessions is notable and sometimes astounding.

It builds their confidence and helps them to start to enjoy learning again.

See our advertisement on this page and call Liz on 0435972460.

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