PEP-11 Dead In The Water

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with Lucy Elizabeth Wicks, Liberal member of the Australian House of Representatives, representing the division of Robertson.


TOURISM operators and environmentalists have a landmark decision to celebrate after Prime Minister Scott Morrison put the final nail in the coffin of the Offshore Petroleum Exploration Permit (PEP-11).

There were serious concerns that if the exploration went ahead that it would significantly negatively impact the migration of Australia’s Humpback Whales.

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Government’s decision under section 59(3) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 to propose to refuse the application has been formalised.

“PEP-11 is officially dead in the water,” the Prime Minister said.

“I said the project would not proceed on our watch, and that is exactly what has happened.

“The decision has been finalised to ensure PEP-11 will not go ahead as a result of the steps taken by my Government.

“I would like to thank our local Liberal Members and candidates and the coastal communities from Newcastle through to Wollongong for voicing their concerns and for working with the Government to ensure the local communities and environment remain protected.”

Liberal Candidate for Paterson Brooke Vitnell said that the decision had “put the people of the Hunter first”.

“The Prime Minister first expressed his opposition to the PEP-11 project during a visit to the Hunter last year,” said Vitnell.

“This should quieten the detractors who claimed that PEP-11 wasn’t dead.

“The Prime Minister has worked hard to ensure this decision won’t be reversed.

“I am especially pleased for the people of Port Stephen’s where the coastal lifestyle is at the heart of their way of life,” Vitnell said.

The New South Wales Government agreed with the Morrison Government’s proposed decision.

The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) has advised the applicant of the decision.



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