Nelson Bay Croquet Club


MEMBERS of Nelson Bay Croquet Club regularly enter croquet competitions around the State, some carnivals organised by other NSW clubs and some Croquet NSW competitions.

Nelson Bay has enjoyed success at these events over the last few years.

Six members entered the 2022 Maitland Sweet Pea Golf Croquet doubles competition, played Saturday 19 to Monday 21 March 2022.

Karen Lilly & Peter Gordon and Sherry Gordon & Rae Uptin played in Block B and Faby & Rob Batho played in Block D. Karen & Peter were runners-up in Block B winning 7 of 12 games.

Faby & Rob were runners-up in Block D winning 10 of 14 games.

Liz Friend, Cheryl Lloyd, Sandy Tawa and Rae Uptin entered the Forster Golf Croquet Autumn Carnival, played Tuesday 22 to Friday 25 March 2022.

In the singles, the 48 entrants were allocated to one of four blocks based on handicap.

Cheryl won Block A with 9 wins from 11 games.

In Block C, Liz finished 2nd and Rae 3rd with 8 and 7 wins respectively.

Peter Gordon entered the NSW 2022 Golf Croquet Men’s Open Singles Championship, played at Tempe, the home of Croquet NSW, on Friday 25 to Sunday 27 March 2022 – one of the top-level competitions held in NSW.

In elite company.

Peter won 2 of 7 games to miss the main competition and play in the Plate Competition, in which he won 4 of 5 games to finish joint first on wins …. but both Kevin McGlynn (Canberra) and Stephen Burns (Coogee) finished with +8 hoops while Peter had +7. Third in the Plate by 1 hoop.

For further information about the Club, visit or e-mail



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