OPINION: No Gain Without Pain


DEAR News Of The Area,

I HAVE a feeling that the chickens are coming home to roost in Australia.

Free money, enormous debt.

Excluding our older generation who have experienced harder times, we are becoming fat and lazy, having had it too good for too long.

History reminds us that the good times never last forever.

Most would support the sanctions imposed by the west on Putin for the atrocities being inflicted on Ukraine, until it affects their own bottom line.

A small price to pay via increased fuel costs to curtail the activities of this monster and his cronies.

It’s always the innocent and ordinary that suffer.

Even the vast majority of Russians, if informed, would oppose.

So it is no surprise to see so many now up in arms as fuel goes up saying “Help me”, “Reduce the fuel levy”, “Increase wages and welfare” etc, unaware that gain without pain is unsustainable and can’t go on forever.

Already, apart from our privileged protected public sector, there is a huge shortage of labour in the private sector.

It is often stated that no one will work anymore, but I’m thinking that for those that will, the rewards will be there.

I haven’t heard the Greens applauding the increased energy costs with reducing carbon emissions to assist climate change, but I guess it’s no different to banning cows, coal, logging etc; good as long as it doesn’t cut my bottom line.

Finally, climate change has been named as the cause of the Lismore flooding disaster, but one must wonder what caused the catastrophic floods in 1950.


One thought on “OPINION: No Gain Without Pain

  1. I agree. We are a demanding lot, and many don’t seem to understand that any “free” handouts will cost some-one, something, down stream.

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