OPINION: Beware the ‘Independents’


DEAR News Of The Area,

I’M another who’s concerned about the so-called ‘Independents’ popping up to run for federal parliament.

One surefire way of telling that they’re likely to be party-aligned, is when they sidestep the two big elephants right in front of them.

One of those elephants is, of course, the global overpopulation crisis – a massive elephant that’s so readily walked around by growth-orientated fools on their way to exclaiming that we have an issue with climate change!

I wonder why?

Australia has a big role to play in advocating for, and ending growth – and it starts by recognising that overpopulation is real.

The crisis is well and truly real.

The growth/unsustainability-aligned parties don’t recognise this.

The second elephant is the desperate need for a referendum on the discontinuation of these ridiculous State Governments.

In a massively over-governed nation, we have this farcical mess highlighted by the recent Covid-inspired state borders chaos, and the huge numbers of Premiers, Ministers, and Chief Health Officers all trying to outdo each other as they stepped into the limelight.

It’s the political parties that don’t want their state branches dissolved, or give their overpaid mates the sack.

This is where a true independent would step in and state the obvious.

Only a true non-party-aligned Independent would recognize these elephants, rather than playing games with the intelligence of the average voter.

Beware the ‘Independent’!

Richie Tassicker,
P.O. Box 287,
Toormina, 2452.

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