‘Spirit of the Anzacs’: An exhibition by artist Kristin Hardiman on at the Matilda Street Gallery

Kristin Hardiman with a sample of her work ‘The Unknown Soldier’.


THE Matilda Street Gallery in Macksville will be featuring a very special exhibition from 9 April to 11 May when they host ‘Spirit of the Anzacs’ by artist Kristin Hardiman.

Kristin, now a resident of Scotts Head, is renowned as one of Australia’s leading portrait, equine and seascape artists.

She has been a professional artist and teacher for almost 30 years and is known for her beautiful works that span the mediums of oils, gouache, water colours, lead and coloured pencil, charcoal, pen and ink.

News Of The Area asked Kristin Hardiman how she got into equine art and how that is linked to her work on the ANZACs and other Australians in conflict.

Kristin said, “I am continually amazed at the beauty of horses, particularly when they are in motion.”

Kristin went on to say that, “From there I became very interested in the story of the Waler horses from the First World War and the Aussie Diggers that cared for them.

“I am also fascinated by the human side of conflict and try to depict that in my work.”

There is something in the exhibition for everyone and the realism and detail in all of Kristin’s art is sure to enthrall visitors to the Matilda Street Gallery.

Often commissioned to produce works for companies such as Qantas, Sony Music and the Chase Manhattan Bank as well as being the winner of many art prizes, it can be expected that the exhibition will attract visitors from elsewhere in the state as much of the work on display will be available for purchase.

Kristin concluded by saying, “Opening night for Spirit of the Anzacs is on 9 April from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Matilda Street Gallery so please come along, I am sure you will enjoy it.”



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