OPINION: More Crazy Climate Change Predictions?


DEAR News Of The Area,

AT her campaign launch Carolyn Heise is reported to have claimed (‘Caz4Cowper launches campaign’, p3, Coffs Coast NOTA, 25 February Edition) that there will be “a dramatic increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, accidental injuries and mental health issues…unless real action is taken on climate change.”

This is a continuation of the tied old climate change soothsayers’ ploy of making outlandish death, doom and gloom predictions, which they have been at for the past 50 years.

In 1970, it was the coming Ice Age.

When that failed to eventuate they move onto predicting global warming doom and gloom.

So far they have had a 100 percent failure rate in the accuracy of their predictions.

How many false predictions do they have to make before we stop listening to them?

You only have to look at what occurred in the past to see that these current predictions are unlikely to come to pass.

During the Minoan, Roman and Medieval warming periods, when temperatures were much warmer than today, life thrived.

There was no famine or pestilence and little conflict.

The human population increased.

Conversely, when the planet cooled the opposite was true.

Thermometer measurements from 1860 show temperature increases (1860-1880, 1910-1940, 1976-1998), temperature decreases (1880-1910, 1940-1976), and no change (1998- present). At the same time atmospheric carbon dioxide steadily increased.

There is no correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature over that period.

During the last four ice ages carbon dioxide levels were 100 times higher than today.

Why was the planet not boiling?

The IPCC has admitted that 111 of their 114 climate models predicted temperatures greater than those observed.

The model from Nicola Scafetta of Duke University is the only model that has been able to replicate temperature fluctuations over the past century.

This was based on solar, lunar and planetary cycles.

It does not use carbon dioxide as a controlling variable.

At the launch, Dr Jon Ferguson is also reported to have said, “In the past few years we’ve experienced deadly bushfires, drought, flood and wild storms”.


Over the past 200 years we have experienced deadly bushfires, droughts, floods and wild storms.

Nothing has changed.

Welcome to Australia.

Ms Heise and her supporters seem to think that the weather, using solar and wind turbines, will be able to power industry and hospitals.

As Dr Ferguson has pointed out the weather is chaotic, therefore the electricity that it produces will be chaotic.

If you go to hospital in Ms Heise’s world pray that they did not get rid of the back up diesel powered generator.

As a final thought, I wonder how many of Ms Heise’s 200 plus supporters have backed up their words with action and abandoned their fossil fuel powered, carbon dioxide emitting cars and travelled to the launch in their electric cars?

Very few I suspect.


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