Christmas Bush Garden Club celebrate 40th Birthday

Special guest speaker Sandra Ross with her sister Assistant Treasurer Penny Speight.


IT was a very special fortieth birthday party that was held for local garden lovers when the garden club named after the locally endemic Christmas Bush plant which has become symbolic around Nelson Bay celebrated its 40th birthday on Tuesday 15 February with a luncheon at Soldiers Point Bowling Club.

Peg McGeachie (deceased) founded the Club in 1982 when there were two other Clubs in the area.

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Amidst the challenges of the Covid outbreak, 48 members ventured out and thoroughly enjoyed the party.

Of course the tables were decorated with pink flowers galore which had been so capably arranged by long standing Club member Kathy Mead.

The Christmas Bush Garden Club was fortunate to have as guest speaker Sandra Ross, a horticulturalist, garden writer, broadcaster and Director/Tour Leader for Ross Garden Tours.

Sandra presented colourful slides of gardens and flowers and passed on some handy tips.

Sandra travelled from Sydney for the occasion as did the National President for Garden Clubs of Australia, Lori Emerson.

A special medallion presentation was made by the National President to popular and hard working member Jan McCafferty, recognizing her outstanding contribution to the Club since she joined in 2010.

A foundation member and still a member today, Shirley Souter was honoured and took part in cutting the cake with past presidents of the Club.

Kathy Mead decorated the cake.

She also gave an interesting and abbreviated history of the Club over the years.

“The Club’s motto is Friendship through Gardening with a focus on meeting to share outings to gardens and exchanging gardening ideas,” said Margaret Wilkinson, Club Secretary and organiser of the event.

“We encourage more like minded people, male or female, young or old, to join the Club which meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Nelson Bay Community Hall, Norburn Avenue, Nelson Bay.”

For enquiries, please contact Margaret on 49812881 or Membership Officer Sally Fitzgerald on 0488531777.




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