Scott Morrison formally rejects PEP-11 application

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with Liberal Candidate for Paterson Brooke Vitnell.


THE Morrison Government has taken the next step to formally reject the application for the Offshore Petroleum Exploration Permit PEP-11.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said following the Government’s proposed decision to not suspend, extend and vary the title conditions of PEP-11 on 16 December 2021, the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) issued the applicant a Notice of Intention to Refuse and granted the applicant 30 days to respond to the notice.

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“After considering the applicant’s response, I have made the decision under section 59(3) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 to propose to refuse the application,” the Prime Minister said.

“As a result, I have written to New South Wales Deputy Premier Paul Toole, as the joint authority partner, advising of the Government’s proposed decision.“

Deputy Premier Toole has 30 days to respond, following which a decision will be finalised.

The PEP-11 permit threatened 3D seismic testing and/or offshore drilling in an area of 4,500 square kilometres off the coast of Newcastle.

Seismic testing has been shown to kill plankton up to 1.2km away, cause malformation in oysters, stress, deafen and harm fish, turtles and other marine life including penguins, dolphins and whales, and are linked to mass stranding of dolphins and whales.

Fishermen report hauls of dead and decaying fish following seismic testing, with two years before productivity returns.

Liberal candidate for Paterson Brooke Vitnell told News Of The Area, “Gas is an important part of Australia’s and future energy mix – but PEP-11 was not the right project for our coastal communities and our pristine beaches.

“But I do strongly support the Kurri gas fired power station.

“This shows how crucial our region was to this decision and I’m pleased that In making this decision he has again put the people of the Hunter first.”

“This is a decision I not only strongly support but it’s one that reflects the view of the Port Stephens community,” she



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