Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club

Sponsor’s Day “Golden Bowl” trophy winners: Stephen Mount, Club President, Noel Jackson, Jeff Farmer and Anthony Green.



A wonderful summer’s day attracted 52 players for the Wednesday Nominated Triples competition.

The Club welcomed 4 visitors as well as an old colleague, Pip Sullivan.

The morning winners were decided by the ‘highest winning margin’ and with a 22-point margin Rick Islaub, Hilton Newman and Doug Andrews were successful.

The afternoon game was won by Tom Short, Dennis Ashbridge and Geoff Muggleton with the result decided by the ‘lowest winning score’.

They had 12 points.

The Garden Eatery voucher was won by Geoff Page.

Thanks to the Garden Eatery for sponsoring this voucher.

20 February

The Sunday bowlers enjoyed another well patronised morning with a good field of 24 players.

The past few Sundays have seen steady numbers for Sunday bowls, and it is encouraging to not only see it well patronised but new players are emerging all the time.

Today was no exception with Joanne and Michael Osborn visiting from Stockton and Colin and Chrissy Buddle and Debbie Gardner giving bowls a try.

The winners with the highest winning score were Col Buddle, Debbie Gardner and John Slater.

Following on the Sunday bowlers today was a ‘Sponsors Day’ organised by the Men’s Bowling Club Management Committee.

The aim of the day was to thank our various sponsors who generously provide the necessary funds for the Club to pay for the costs associated with the Pennant season.

The event attracted 56 representatives from several local businesses in the Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest community.

Contestants were playing for the coveted ‘Golden Bowl’ trophy.

There were some bowling club players mingling in the various teams but on a whole most fielded teams with limited bowling experience.

Watching proceedings, I was pleasantly surprised just how well players adjusted to the game and many revealed some hidden talent that with a bit of coaching would see them taking up the sport.

Best of all, everyone had a great time.

The winners of the ‘Golden Bowl’ trophy were the team from local solicitors, Purcell and Mount.

They comprised Stephen Mount, Jeff Farmer and Anthony Green.

Thanks go to Club President, Noel Jackson, who organised the day and Management Committee members Hilton Newman, Gary Wynne and Doug Andrews for a great post-match barbeque.



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