Hoof and Hook competition coming back at Dorrigo

Grand champion Braford bull at the last Dorrigo Show, 2019.


THE Hoof and Hook competition, a traditional Agricultural Show staple, is back at Dorrigo in the spirit of continuing age-old rural show contests through the year, as Covid disrupts the official Dorrigo Show dates.

The main Show is planned for November 2022, but in the meantime there’s plenty of “shows with no show”, as the Dorrigo committee is nicknaming the calendar of events.

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“The decision to re-introduce the Hoof and Hook competition to the Dorrigo Plateau after a 30-year hiatus has sparked interest among beef producers and the chance of financial rewards,” Sally Duckett, Dorrigo Show President told News Of The Area.

Dorrigo’s competition has six classes with entries closing on February 25 via dorrigoshowentries@gmail.com.

The physical ‘on the hoof’ judging takes place on Tuesday 8 March at Dorrigo Saleyards and will be conducted by well-known Armidale buyer, Tony Menkins.

Judging will commence at 12-noon with winners announced at approximately 1pm.

After the ‘hoof’ competition, steers are sent to be processed and judged ‘on the hook’ based on carcass attributes.

Carcass classes will be judged by special MSA (Meat Standards Australia) graders at Wingham.

Sally says the Show Society has re-introduced the Hoof and Hook as it is an agricultural event that can be run in its own right, when it’s difficult to run a full show.

“The competition was very popular years ago and we hope it continues this way,” she said.

“We would also like to promote the wonderful top quality grass fed beef that is produced on the Plateau.

“It is also a good learning tool for producers, especially younger ones, to better their product.

“Hoof and Hook competitions are still very popular and many major industry activities, such as Beef Week celebrations, have them.

“I wish to thank sponsors who have been very generous and encourage producers to enter the competition.

“There will be first, second and third prizes for each pen of three on the Hoof and also Hook in each weight division.

“Steers and heifers will be judged separately,” she said.

“A lot of producers have commented that Hoof and Hook competitions are good learning tools for them as it lets producers know fat coverage and distribution of fat on the animals that they breed.

“Producers are encouraged to pick out their best calves and keep them on good pastures in readiness for the competition.”




Beef steers in the ring at Dorrigo.

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