Schoolgirl Charlie Batt pens and publishes her first book

In her hands the “actual book” written and produced by fourteen-year-old Charlotte Battison, aka Charlie Batt.


NAMBUCCA Heads High School student Charlotte Battiston has written and self-published her first book. Fourteen-year-old Charlotte, who writes under the pen name Charlie Batt, has written a children’s/young adult fantasy which was published mid-December.

Titled ‘Imagine: A Wild Civilisation’, it’s the story of a young girl named Charlie Neon Imagination and her Gippyguppy friend, Bucky, who become stranded on a secret island when they decide to go exploring.

On their journey they encounter fantastical creatures such as the Fire Queen, a Sorcerer, and a magical race called the Singanoids.

Charlotte wrote the 160 page book in three months early last year, and with the help of her nan, author Annie Seaton who lives nearby in Nambucca, she has now produced both an eBook and a print version and created her own cover for both versions.

The idea for the book began from images she created on her iPad using Sketchbook.

Her classmates and school friends told her she had such a wonderful imagination that she should write a story using the images.

When she began writing, Charlie said she felt very motivated and always knew she would write a whole book.

She writes on her iPad most days before and after school, as well as jotting down ideas for more stories.

When she is writing, she listens to music to keep herself in the right mood: relaxed, happy or sad, or wild etc, depending on the scene she is writing.

Charlie’s characters become real to her, and she said it is very easy to create the story with them as she can see and hear them in her imagination, and experience their emotions which makes it easier to write their responses to situations they find themselves in.

Her sense of humour is strong, and she enjoys incorporating humour into her scenes to entertain readers.

Charlie has already completed book number two, ‘Imagine: The Long Winter’ which is in edits.

Book three, ‘Imagine: The Golden Starpearl’ is underway, and she already has plans for future books.

Suitable for 8-16 year olds, ‘Imagine: A Wild Civilization’ is available on Amazon in print and eBook.





Imagine: A Wild Civilisation by Charlie Batt from Nambucca.

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