WIRES Carers say that Reuniting Tawny Frogmouth families is the best outcome Nambucca Valley Nambucca Valley News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 6, 2022 Darren and Rosie Squibb working hard to rehabilitate and reunite sick injured or orphaned Tawny Frogmouths in the Nambucca Valley. LIKE so much of Eastern Australia the Mid North Coast has recently been hit by prolonged periods of rain and winds. Just as the wet has played havoc with so many of the state’s river systems and low lying towns, it has also caused problems for our fragile native wildlife. Wildlife carers are reporting that many birds are coming into care as a result of the recent storms and one of the most affected species has been the Tawny Frogmouth. Often mistaken as owls due to their appearance and nocturnal life-style they are actually close relatives of the Nightjar species. These masters of camouflage are seldom seen during the day however are often seen and heard at night as they hunt for food. Unfortunately they are often struck by cars as they swoop on insects illuminated by headlights. News Of The Area spoke to Valla Beach based WIRES wildlife carers, Rosie and Darren Squibb, who have recently had a number of Tawny Frogmouths come into their care. For WIRES carers the most important thing is to rehabilitate and release animals and reuniting young birds with their parents is the best outcome possible. “If you see a young Tawny Frogmouth on the ground the first thing you should do is call WIRES so a carer can come and make an assessment on the condition of the bird,” said Rosie. “There may be situations where you will have to keep the bird warm and dry until a WIRES carer or a vet can make an assessment,” Rosie added. Darren went on to say, “It is key to take particular note of the exact spot you found the bird as it is likely that the parents will still be nearby and reuniting the family is very possible.” Rosie and Darren explained that, while not all bird species will take their young back, the Tawny Frogmouth will and it is the parents who are best to teach their young how to hunt and survive in their natural habitat. “Like all native wildlife these birds have a very particular diet and you should not attempt to feed them as it could put their health at risk and trained WIRES Carers will be able to provide the correct type of food,” said Darren. You can find out more about the Tawny Frogmouth by visiting www.wires.org.au and search for the fact sheet. If you find any sick, injured or orphaned wildlife Rosie and Darren urge you to call the 24hr WIRES Wildlife Rescue number on 1300 094 737 so a trained volunteer carer can help. By Mick BIRTLES WIRES carers like Darren and Rosie Squibb give beautiful Tawny Frogmouths a second chance at survival in their natural habitat.