MidCoast Election Results: Introducing the Council


THE results from the 2021 Local Government elections are here.

For weeks, results have been too close to call with a total of 80 candidates across thirteen groups, but the new MidCoast Council has officially been elected.

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The eleven representatives for MidCoast are as follows: Alan Tickle, Peter Epov, Claire Pontin (Labor), Troy Fowler (Liberal), Peter Howard, Jeremy Miller, Paul Sandilands, Dheera Smith (The Greens), Katheryth Smith, Kathryn Bell and David West (Liberal).

Councillors Claire Pontin, Katheryn Smith, Kathryn Bell, Peter Epov and Troy Fowler will be returning to their positions for another term in the Council.

Candidates Michael Bergin, Jessica Corkill and Luke Cubis have not been elected.

Len Roberts and Karen Hutchinson have not been re-elected.

76,170 were enrolled to vote in the election with only 85.86% of these submitting their votes.

Only two of the thirteen groups running received two candidates elected, Group C (Epov and Howard) and Group K (Fowler and West).

There were a total of 3,706 total informal ballot papers, creating a total of 5.67% informality, an improved rate compared to the 7.75% informality of the 2017 Local Government Elections.

Based on first-preference results, Epov’s Group C led the polls with 11,227 votes.

Closely following were Fowler’s Group K with 8,094 votes, Tickle’s Group A with 7,450 votes and Pontin’s Group H with 6,165 votes.

Congratulations to all those elected.



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