Stay safe on country roads this Christmas


NSW Farmers is urging people heading into country areas for Christmas to keep an eye out for harvest machinery.

Flooding and heavy rain delayed harvest efforts across much of the state, leading to more activity on and around farms and roads at the end of the year; NSW Farmers Grains Committee Chair Justin Everitt said people needed to take extra care so everyone could enjoy a Merry Christmas.

“There’s a lot of large agricultural vehicles moving on country roads at the moment, and we’d hate to see a joyous time of the year turn to tragedy for any family,” Mr Everitt said.

“The wet weather has put a damper on harvest efforts but they’re getting back into full swing around the state now, so you may see more machines on the road at this busy time.

“Safety around these vehicles is a shared responsibility, so I’d just ask any visitors to our regions to slow down and keep an eye out on country roads.”

While getting stuck behind a slow-moving header or tractor can be frustrating, Mr Everitt said, showing patience and keeping a safe distance was important for everyone’s safety.

“Remember if the driver can’t see you then they don’t know you’re there – so stay back at a safe distance and don’t be impatient,” Mr Everitt said.

“It’s better to be a little late than not to arrive at all.

“We’ve just about made it through a pretty rough year, let’s all work together to get to the finish line safely.”

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