Park Beach Women’s Bowling Club

Mandi Monck our Club Major Single Champion for 2021 and Debbie Doyle our Minor Single Champion.


OUR special Presentation Day for the Club Championship winners was held on Wednesday 24 November, and due to the current rain, our usual game of bowls before lunch was cancelled.

But the lovely lunch went ahead with all the ladies from the social committee and did themselves proud with the decorations of the tables.

A beautiful lunch was served, before the formalities of trophies went ahead with Heather Hardwick as our MC for the day.

Winners for 2021.

Major single Champion: Mandi Monck

Runner Up: Denise Hargraves.

Major Pairs Champions: Roslyn Crestani and Valda Slater.

Runners Up: Irene Docker and Kayleen Cutmore.

Triples Champions: Ann Worboys, Robyn De Meio, Joan Woodford.

Runners Up: Ruth Jupp, Roslyn Crestani, Amanda Monck.

Fours Champions: Ainsley Wroe, , Denise Hargraves, Robyn De Meio, Sandra Stirling.

Runners Up: Dawn Allen, Ann Worboys, Judy Bishop, Bev White.

Major Consistency Winner: Jan Slater

Runner Up: Ruth Jupp.

Minor Consistency Winner: Sharon Bischa

Runner Up: Ann Worboys.

Minor Singles Winner: Debbie Doyle

Runner Up: Ann Worboys

Minor Pairs Winners: Debbie Doyle and Lynne Clancy.

Runners Up: Kerry Blow and Valda Slater.

Ladies don’t forget that our last bowl’s day will be our Christmas Party, Wednesday 8 December, donations are still required for our Christmas hampers and remember to bring a Santa Present for that day.


By Christine IRVINE

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