New recreation facility at Mallabula Oval nearing completion

Port Stephens Councillor Steve Tucker.


“MUM, I’m bored.”

These words should be a thing of the past as the new recreational facility at Mallabula Cval comes on stream for the school holidays.

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The complex beside the tennis courts and Aquatic Centre at Mallabula is nearing completion and should be open for use in the very near future, Port Stephens Councillors Steve Tucker explained.

“A great deal of planning has gone into this venture,” he said.

“Its central location and cycleway linkage to both Tanilba and Lemon Tree Passage made it an easy choice.

“Add to this the rugby league, Little Athletics and soccer fields alongside and it provides passive recreation for those children who come as spectators,” he added.

Cr Tucker said the workers have done a “first class job”.

“At the moment we already have in place the new skate park, a playground, a multi-purpose court, a toilet block, pathway links, seating,bubblers and picnic tables.

“Take a drive down that way and the sign on the fence will explain it all,” he stated.

Also in the pipeline are vehicle barriers and a car park.

The existing Little Athletics and soccer amenities block and clubhouse will also be given a major makeover.

“Council sees the future of Tilligerry as becoming more tourist friendly and a quiet place for passive recreation,” he said.

“Since the Covid scare, this has become all the more apparent and our forward planning initiatives will concentrate more on developing our foreshore amenities to cater for this emerging trend,” he concluded.


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