Spotlight On Litter: Opportunity For Local Groups To Showcase Work

Sea Shelter volunteer divers about to dive into cleaning up the marina precinct at Nelson Bay.


LITTER is a huge environmental problem particularly for regions with coastal environments.

Litter that washes into the estuaries kills aquatic animals and destroys habitats which are nursery environments for fish and other species.

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The 2022 Keep Australia Beautiful Litter Congress will be held at Aerial UTS Function Centre, Sydney on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 April 2022 and organisers are seeking proposals for presentations, workshops and more with recent case studies, research and projects on litter management and behaviour change relating to litter.

Litter Congress is the only event in NSW that focuses solely on all aspects of litter and litter prevention and will provide the opportunity for individuals and groups involved in litter management, prevention and reduction to jointly tackle littering and behaviour change in an interactive environment.

The Litter Congress is seeking content from organisations and individuals around litter research, product stewardship, policy trends, local government, public places litter challenges, industry best practice, psychology of littering, community or council case studies, behaviour change, education for litter reduction, collaboration and partnerships, particular problem wastes, and marine litter.

The Congress is seeking proposals for facilitated discussions, roundtables, campfire sessions, collaborative workshops, and platform presentations.

If you have a community group that would like to step up onto the national stage on litter now is the hour, submissions close 15 December.




A bike was just some of the litter cleaned up in a Sea Shelter Nelson Bay marina clean-up.

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