Greens’ $5M vision for Coffs Harbour economy

Jonathan Cassell (centre) with Jenna Cash (L) and Lindy Davis.


THE Coffs Harbour Greens have announced that in the next Council term they will push to create a Regional Employment and Investment Strategy to prioritise the health of the Coffs Harbour economy and environment.

The plan, costed at $5M, is designed to create local jobs and investment opportunities for private landholders and also generate revenue for Council.

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Greens Mayoral Candidate Jonathan Cassell said, “The Greens are committed to strengthening Coffs Harbour’s economy in the next term of council while making sure we protect our environment.

“Our regional investment plan will aim to generate revenue for both farmers as well as council through the creation of a business arm dedicated to managing carbon farming offsets.”

Mr Cassell said leadership is needed in Council to take advantage of the emerging Australian and global net-zero carbon economy and that the Coffs Harbour region is well placed to grow its economy and create jobs that will reduce carbon emissions and strengthen biodiversity.

“The plan has been costed to directly create over 30 new jobs in council as well as to support jobs in the private conservation land management sector,” he said.

“There are lucrative grant options available to Council that we believe make this plan achievable, such as the $5B Future Drought Fund or Emissions Reduction Fund,” Mr Cassell said.

“We know land managers in agriculture and conservation will benefit from our $5M plan over the next 5 years and we hope the community will support this at election time.

“We don’t just want this plan to work, we need it to be a success so we can future proof our economy and environment.
“We now need leadership in Council to develop the plan.”

Mountains to Sea Natural Area Management founder Lindy Davis supports Mr Cassell’s strategy.

“There is so much work to be done in our region and, by properly funding bush regeneration programs, we can provide good jobs for young people, long term unemployed and older people.

“The ecological restoration industry has the potential to address so many of the economic and environmental challenges in our region, as well as improving the health and wellbeing of our entire community.

“I support this financial plan by the Coffs Greens because it will integrate my industry into our mainstream economy and it will pay for itself over and over again, protecting our unique natural areas while providing worthwhile employment and opportunities long into the future,” Ms Davis said.


By Andrew VIVIAN

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