Coffs Harbour LGA Residents and Ratepayers Association to host Candidates Forum


THE Coffs Harbour LGA Residents and Ratepayers Association will be holding a Candidates Forum at the Cavanbah Centre at 6.30pm on Tuesday 30 November.

Due to Covid restrictions only 110 people will be able to attend the forum.

Anyone interested in attending the meeting and wishing to assure themselves a seat is asked to email the Coffs Harbour LGA Residents & Ratepayers Association at

“We are also interested in hearing from anyone who has specific questions relevant to this election to email their question to us to ensure we cover all the most pressing issues,” said Ann Leonard, Coffs Harbour LGA Residents and Ratepayers Association.

Only those who have had a double Covid-19 vaccination will be able to attend.

All Covid protocols must be observed and attendees will be required to sign in and provide proof of vaccination.

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