Bellingen Diggers Swimming Club


WE had seven swimmers this week.

Race 1 Brace Relay – There was one bust in this Race, Elizabeth Casey and Amanda Vockler taking three seconds off.

Heat 1 – Mike Navin and Jill Williams swam like a bat out of hell coming first and second was Anne Taylor and Liz Hoy.

Heat 2 – Mke Navin and Peter Allison showed them how it was done coming first.

Final – There was one bust in the final, Elizabeth Casey and Peter Allison taking one second off.

Mike Navin and Jill Williams had their eyes set on the prize taking out first and in the money.

Race 2 25m Butterfly

Heat 1 – Elizabeth Casey put her wings on coming first and in second was Amanda Vockler.
Heat 2 – Anne Taylor ripped her lane apart coming first and in second was Peter Allison.

Race 3 50m Backstroke

There was one bust in this Race, Peter Allison taking one second off his time.

Heat 1 – Jill Williams has secured this Race coming first, in second was Anne Taylor and in third was Mike Navin.
Heat 2 – Amanda Vockler had her windmill arms on coming first and in second was Elizabeth Casey.

Race 4 4 x 50m Relay

Amanda Vockler, Elizabeth Casey, Peter Allison and Anne Taylor went into high speed coming first and in second was Anne Taylor, Liz Hoy, Jill Williams and Mike Navin.

A great night had by all, you don’t have to be a great swimmer but you will improve by the end of the season, so come and join us for some fun and laughter on Monday night at 6.

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