Celebrating Nambucca Valley Women

Local author Roby Aiken. Launching ‘Crazy’ in November.


THE Nambucca Valley has a diverse community of women from varied walks of life.

Women with vast life experiences and endless creativity.

Everyday women who work tirelessly for our community.

Regional women who roll up their sleeves to help others, and motivate those around them to contribute to their own communities.

This week News Of The Area is shining a light on the accomplishments of four extraordinary women who spread their skills, loves, and passions to the greater community.

Roby Aiken is a local author who has given much to the Nambucca Valley’s writing community.

Roby has been a long-standing member of the Nambucca Valley Writers Group as a past President and workshop presenter, with over 20 years writing experience.

Her trilogy ‘The Traders Series’ was published a few years back, and she is looking forward to the launch of her new book ‘Crazy’ before the end of the year.

She has been an active member and volunteer, donating her time to numerous workshops, local writers’ festivals and the promotion of the writing practice.

Roby said, “Being a writer in a regional area is at times difficult, finding resources, and finding time away from family obligations.

“For me one of the things I always advise budding writers to do is join a writer’s group, it’ll give you support and guidance from like minded people, and rewarding friendship.”

Next in the spotlight is Elizabeth Newman, whose love of theatre, music, and writing spearheads her skill sharing to the wider community.

Elizabeth is associated with local radio station 2NVR and hosts ‘Turning Pages’ and ‘Here Be Dragons’.

“Turning Pages on Thursday’s is a platform for Valley views and voices,” Elizabeth said.

“I promote a local artist each week, plus reviews, and interviews, just keeping the Valley up to date on what’s happening in our local area.

“Here be Dragons is mostly music that I like, the benefit of being the presenter,” laughed Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s association with the Bowraville Theatre is through her promotion of local plays, giving many a chance to express themselves on the stage that they could not normally access.

Elizabeth said, “The stage is an interesting platform, and we run groups for children and adults.

“We perform mostly local plays or monologues, the Blue Bird All Stars is a group I work with, and I love the looks on participants’ faces when it all comes together.”

Helen Scotta retired to Nambucca Heads with her husband and found volunteering a wonderful way to put all her work skills into use, as well as a great way to make new friends and community connections.

In her working life Helen excelled in corporate sales, travelling extensively in the process.

Helen loves people and uses her skills of marketing, re-education and time management in her volunteering.

“I just love mixing with people, and helping my community.

“Volunteering was a way for me to get to know my new surroundings, and meeting new people,” said Helen.

Helen has now joined the Nambucca U3A committee as Course Co-ordinator and Course Presenter, and organises the monthly E-newsletter.

Helen said, “U3A has found it difficult with Covid restrictions, but we’ve still managed to maintain networking and a sense of community among ourselves.”

Since 2018 Helen has volunteered at Riverside Care Nursing Home and the Nambucca Heads Information Centre and delights in telling people, “Let me tell you where you can go,” with a smile and helping hand.

Debbie Anderson has had a varied working background and moved to Nambucca Heads after retirement.

Debbie worked as a Paralegal for ten years, as well as time spent as a Librarian, a Project Officer to Members of Parliament and an Electoral Officer.

“I found that most parliamentary policy had little to do with community, and a lot to do with getting re-elected.

“Political spin driven by election prospects tends to leave you rather cynical,” said Debbie.

Librarian has been her most enjoyable working position and she uses her many skills helping in the community.

Debbie enjoys meeting people and helping them look for the truth.

She teaches local and family history with U3A, and has been doing so since 2019.

Debbie loves Valley life giving her time to the U3A community.

“Volunteering for U3A gives me a chance to work in the community and still do the travelling that we love,” said Debbie.

The Nambucca Valley is abounding with self-motivating women, running their own businesses, volunteering, nurturing children, and giving back to their community in varied and creative ways.




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