Bulahdelah Golf Club News

D Warren, G Dobbs and V Jackson.


ON Wednesday Oct 27 Bulahdelah lady golfers welcomed 35 ladies from Taree.

A wonderful day of golf was enjoyed by all followed by a delicious Chinese lunch.

The Single Stableford winners in 3 grades were as follows: A Grade D Warren (36pts), T Bridge (34pts), T-L Smith (34pts).

B Grade G Dobbs (34pts), J Yeark (32pts), L Eakin (32pts).

C Grade V Jackson (41pts), V Cougran (37pts), M South (34pts).

NTPs were K Stephen, M Pryor, M Reinhard, G Dobbs, V Coughran.

Long Drivers were J Stinson, L Eakin, J Illidge.

Winsome Stitt won the $42 jackpot with a great shot and a birdie on the 17th.

Come again ladies!

24 vets played a Single Stableford on Thursday 28 – 4 visitors from Taree. R.Norberry was the winner with 39 pts from D Brown with 37 pts on a cb from K Hughes.

NTPs were R Norberry, J Graham and R Allen.

The Monthly Mug was played on Saturday 30 and again, the great scores again reflected the wonderful condition of the course.

A Grade winner was C Littlechild with 70n on a cb from D Schlenert.

B Grade and Monthly Mug winner was C Wheatley with 67n on a cb from G Grainger. Ladies’ winner was B Newton with 70n from T-L Smith with 73n.

NTPs were D Schlenert, T Styles, S Sharp, T-L Smith, J Graham, W Coleman and A Benson.

Long drivers were M Bramble, T Styles, Z Watt and T Stellema.

D Carrall won the $37 Jackpot.

A tasty steak sanger topped off the day.


By Thora-Lou SMITH

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