Finding help with Mental Health in an Unequal World 24/7 access to free online help


‘MENTAL Health in an Unequal World’ is the official theme for this year’s Mental Health Day on Sunday 10 October, as set by the World Federation for Mental Health.

Feeling frustrated by minimal access to mental health resources, a Nambucca Valley resident called News Of The Area to share the online help she found at

“In these COVD times we are enduring stress and uncertainty.

“Prolonged periods of relentless stress can impact both physical and mental health.”

After attending one-to-one professional appointments our reader felt her needs were not being met.

“Sessions were only one-hour long, once a month, over a ten-month period.”

Our reader’s experience is exacerbated by the realities of our ‘unequal world’.

“Rural regional areas have fewer resources than city folk and are therefore doubly challenged.”

When mental health help is sought, it’s often because the person is feeling ready for help immediately.

“I had to complete an immediate pressing challenge and I needed to learn coping strategies to deal with burnout so I could complete my task.

“Then I found that had all the information I needed.

“In recognition of Mental Health Week, I would like to share my discovery of this amazing website.

“Facing burn-out stress from working on a challenging task, I sought professional face-to-face assistance, but when I felt my needs were not being met, in frustration I turned to the internet and this is where I discovered,

“I found everything I needed to get back on board.” was established by two American clinical psychologists, the Segals, to make professional help freely available 24/7 following the suicide of their daughter.

“The site has a range of 30+ topics, including relationships, stress and burnout, anxiety and depression, ageing, children and families, sleep and domestic abuse, that are thoroughly presented to help you develop knowledge and insight, build skills and coping strategies.

“It offers practical advice and is written simply.

“Stress and COVID are now part of the daily landscape.

“Learning how to best navigate these challenges can create better outcomes.

“This information helped me to resume my task and complete my challenge.

“I like to make a contribution where I can as I live by the axiom – ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’.”





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