Medowie Little Athletics Upgrading Grounds For Community During Lockdown

Committee members Jason Wells and President Dean Morris getting the grounds in shape for use during lockdown.


WITH team sports heavily impacted by COVID-19 the team at Medowie Little Athletics are keen to see young people excel in individual sport.

With no organised activities there are still young people out training.

However during the hiatus from regular sporting activities the committee have been working on the grounds for the greater good of the Medowie community.

Kindlebark Oval is known as the home of Little Athletics in Medowie.

Unfortunately, the regular season has not started due to current public health orders restricting community sport.

This has not stopped the dedicated committee of Medowie Little Athletics from their work.

Medowie Little Athletics has continued their volunteer work throughout this time to support the athletes and wider Medowie community by ensuring the track remains in great condition and making infrastructure improvements to the facilities.

The grounds have recently seen some improvements with funding of $6000 from Port Stephens Council and Medowie Sports Council delivering new park seating and improved landscaping that boosts the appeal of Kindlebark Oval to the community for their recreation and exercise time.

Medowie Little Athletics Committee member Jason Wells told News Of The Area, “The funded project has seen the installation of two new park benches overlooking the oval and the establishment of two native gardens.

“Our committee has always believed in providing a quality facility not just for our athletes, but for the whole Medowie community.

“The club has worked closely with council officers to select hardy native plants that will really lift the look of the area.”

Visitors to the park include residents enjoying the track facilities for essential exercise.

“We are proud to implement this project that will promote Kindlebark Oval as a great family recreation area.

“We have people running laps, kids throwing frisbees and kicking footballs – Kindlebark is a great place for the whole family to hang out, due to its central position.

“The popularity of Kindlebark has increased immensely during the lockdown period.”

President Dean Morris said, “Even though our competition season has not been able to start, we felt it was really important to continue to maintain and mark the track for the wider community to use and enjoy.

“When I mark it, there are always people using the area for their exercise.

“We are just doing it to support the Medowie community through these hard times,” he said.

Medowie Little Athletics has been established for many years with some centre records dating back 35 years.

Registrations are still open for all children between 4 and 17, however a season start date is not known.



One thought on “Medowie Little Athletics Upgrading Grounds For Community During Lockdown

  1. We live just up the road from Kindlebark Oval, I have a 4 year old boy that just loves to go down to the oval, my husband and I would Loire to see the play equipment upgraded and some exercise equipment for the grown ups as the play ground is very hard for my little boy to climb on and doesn’t even have swings!

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