Bulahdelah Golf Club News


THE last round of the Ladies Championship was played on Wednesday September 22. Congratulations to Barbie Gordon who is the A Grade Champion with 278gr.

Bernadette Newton is the B Grade Champion with 306gr. and Terry Stellema is the overall nett winner with 217n.

The ladies will play their September Monthly Mug next week.

29 Vets enjoyed a beautiful day’s golf on Thursday 23.

The Single Stableford was won by R.Williams with 37pts from J.Parnell with 36pts on a countback from C.Littlechild.

Balls went to K.Hughes (34), G.Willadsen (34) and G.Grainger (33).

The Men’s 2021 Match Play Competition was completed last week and W.Coleman narrowly defeated J.Graham by 2 shots.

Congratulations Mullet.

40 players contested the Monthly Mug on Saturday 25 and the A Grade winner was D.Harvey with 72n on a cb from T.Carroll.

B Grade and Mug winner was M.Sharp with 67n from K.Hughes with 71n (cb). C Grade was won by J.Parnell with 70n from Z.Watt with 71n.

The Ladies’ winner was B.Gordon with 71n from T-L.Smith with 73n.

The NTP winners were A.Benson, H.Pierson, B.Newton (x2). Longest drivers were D.Harvey, W.Smith, R.Hawes & B.Newton.

Jackpot ($40) was won by J.Stellema.

The Men’s Championship first and 2nd rounds will be played on October 2 and 3; and The Spring Cup (Single Stableford Medley) is scheduled for Saturday October 9.


By Thora-Lou SMITH

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