OPINION: Dismay over Covid-positive XPT journey from Sydney


DEAR News of the Area,

I, LIKE most of our local residents, am amazed, disappointed and extremely angry at the recent Covid breach that occurred on last Thursdays’ XPT from Sydney.

A young Covid positive woman and her children, seemingly without any concern for the welfare and lives of others, boarded the train intending to travel to Coffs Harbour. Instead of following the health orders and isolating herself at home she has selfishly put thousands of peoples’ lives and welfare at risk.

The end of the lockdown may well be short lived if the virus spreads within the local communities.

I cannot understand how this person was even permitted on the train.

Are there no health checks at the departure points?

The traveler apparently commenced from Strathfield (a Sydney hot spot), yet was not detected until she reached Kempsey.

The presence of Covid-19 has been with us for over 18 months so surely the NSW government has to do better than this.

By putting in place effective controls at airports, railway stations and major highways, selfish, inconsiderate people will be prevented from flouting the health regulations and forcing our local communities to bear the brunt of their outrageous behaviour.



One thought on “OPINION: Dismay over Covid-positive XPT journey from Sydney

  1. Yes, we got Covid 19 pandemic thanks to the selfish people. If we all follow rules, protocols to protect our families, friends and the community. We would NOT have covid in the world now, and would save millions of innocents people who had pay with their lives because of the idiots and selfish who did not care

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