Round 2 of Regional Sports Facility funding open

Local sporting groups are encouraged to apply for funds for their sports facilities in the latest round of the Regional Sports Facility funding program. Photo: Emma Darbin.


ROUND 2 of the NSW Government’s $25 million Regional Sport Facility funding is now up for grabs for local sporting organisations wishing for new or upgraded sports facilities.

The funding is aimed to boost local economies, jobs, and promote health and wellbeing for residents across NSW through investment in new and existing sports infrastructure, and to help more people experience the benefits of participating in sport and active recreation.

The key objectives of the fund are to increase the number and type of sporting facilities, improve the standard of existing sporting facilities, and increase participation in sport.

Inclusive projects and those that encourage the participation of women, girls and people with a disability are encouraged to apply.

The funding will provide grants from $100,000 up to $1 million to eligible sport and recreation organisations and councils.

Eligible projects include lighting, amenity buildings, clubrooms, change rooms and grandstands.

The NSW Government has committed $50 million to the Regional Sport Facility Fund over the past two years, helping create spaces and facilities that enable communities to enjoy and take part in sport.

The Fund will assist eligible organisations to develop quality core sport infrastructure that will meet the current and future needs of the community.

Round 2 is the final round of the program, with grants between $100,000 and $1 million to be offered, and sporting organisations and councils are now urged to apply.

The grant application and assessment process will be overseen by an independent probity advisor, and applications close on Friday October 8.

For more details visit the NSW Government Office of Sport website at

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