Boaties flock to the Bay for lockdown exercise

The busy LTP boat ramp.


WITH boat ramps still open and a beautiful 27 degree day greeting local residents, the Lemon Tree Passage waterfront was alive with activity on Sunday 22 August.

Indeed, in scenes reminiscent of Easter or the Christmas break, it was hard to find a parking spot for cars and trailers in Henderson Park.

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Recreational fishing and boating are two activities exempt from the current lockdown rules and those taking to the water can go more or less anywhere in the enclosed waters of Port Stephens. Masks and social distancing rules still apply and boaties should check the requirements before venturing out.

As well as this, the sandflats and foreshore at Tanilba Bay and Mallabula teemed with recreational exercisers, dog walkers, nipper pumpers, photographers and fisherfolk.

Other positive feedback from businesses show an increase in cake sales from hot bread shops as locked down locals seek ‘comfort food’.

With city restaurants closed, a downturn in the oyster industry would be expected.

This is not the case as sales are strong with people wanting to spoil themselves with top of the range seafood.

As well as this, Club Lemon Tree established an upmarket outdoors food servery and sold out quickly on the first two evenings of its operation.




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