MidCoast Water employee ten local trainees

Ten young people are getting their careers off to a flying start with some hands on experience as part of a new traineeship program at MidCoast Water.MidCoast Water Trainees

The group are part of two programs being run by the authority – a university graduate program for technical professionals and a high school graduate program for field staff – and are enjoying their first taste of the workforce while learning about the water and sewer industry.

Four of the trainees are graduates who have come to MidCoast Water on completion of their studies in various disciplines including environmental engineering and mechatronics.

They are with MidCoast Water for a three year term and will have the opportunity to work across a variety of areas in the organisation.

Bulahdelah girl, Rebecca Borwell has studied environmental engineering and is starting her traineeship in the planning department.

“MidCoast Water’s graduate program is a great opportunity for all of us as we embark on our professional careers,” Rebecca said.

“It is extremely rewarding being able to apply the knowledge we have gained at university to ‘real world’ projects here at MidCoast Water.”

Rebecca is joined in the graduate program by Rueben Howarth, Karl Turner and Ron Bridge.

MidCoast Water is also hosting six trainees through the Hunter Valley Training Corporation. Five of the trainees are combining work experience with TAFE training in water operations.

Timothy Bridge, Ean Buckland, Mark Green, Jordan Mobbs and Ashley Steadman are all on rotation in the response, maintenance, water and sewer treatment plant areas and are gaining an overall appreciation and understanding of the water industry during their two year traineeship.

Mitchell Watson is studying lab skills as part of his two year traineeship with the MidCoast Water Laboratory.

MidCoast Water executive manager David Nixon and acting general manager Brendan Guiney are playing an active role in the trainees’ development program to ensure the participants gain an understanding of the water industry.

“This will happen through a range of experiences, including hands-on, technical, social and business exposure,” Mr Guiney explained.

“We also provide our graduates and trainees with opportunities to provide feedback on the program to ensure their passion for the water industry is reflected in their career path.

“MidCoast Water is taking pride in preparing these young people for what is hopefully a long, varied and fulfilling career in the water industry.”

One thought on “MidCoast Water employee ten local trainees

  1. Great news, now get them to work asap on connecting the water and sewer to Pindimar and Bundabah

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