Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association report for July

Work on the foreshore is to be completed.


AGAIN, we have been unable to have meetings of the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (PA) and the Southern Area Reference Group due to Covid restrictions and suffice to say, we have little to report in the way of new developments.

The PA Subcommittee dealing with the public pool has had successful meetings with Council and are reporting separately.

We can advise that since our last report, Council staff are again restricted to home, Council elections are deferred to December and on the local front, little has happened. We are still waiting on a decision re the one-way proposal on the bridge footpaths.

The new boat launching ramp in Tea Gardens is still in the planning stage and will definitely not be in use in time for the Christmas traffic.

Grant money of $6,000 was received for the “Environmental Stabilisation of the Myall River Foreshore” and work was done on an area needing the most work, approximately 30 m long.

Council contributed a further $8,000 to the project which is still to be completed.

As the foreshore needing attention is nearly 1 kilometre long, it may be some time before final completion.

The ladies of Hawks Nest have again shown their artistic skills and have painted a mural on the wall of the convenience building adjacent to the Community Hall.

A fantastic job ladies!

Now you have your chance to provide murals on the water tanks on Shearwater where Council have selected the site as one of their two mural trails.

In other related news, we can advise that the Myall River Chamber of Commerce has conducted their AGM and are proud to present their new committee with Alison Howell as President.

She has an active and vibrant committee behind her who have updated their website which can be accessed through https://www.myallcoastchamberofcommerceandtourism.com.

Under current Covid restrictions, businesses are doing it tough and our local business houses are no exception.

The newly established and burgeoning Myall Tours has suspended all activities due tourist exposure and the local Tourist Information Centre has also closed.

Our local businesses also rely heavily on the annual Myall River Festival, which unfortunately has had to cancel once again this year.

It is imperative that we, the local community, support our people.

Shop locally whenever possible.

Stay in town and stay safe.

If not already vaccinated, line up, get it done for your protection and for the rest of our community.

That’s all folks, until next month.


By Gordon GRAINGER, Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association.


The mural adjacent to the Community Hall.

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