Jarad Danby paints tribute to Benny Bop at iconic Nambucca Heads V Wall

The travelling mural artist on Nambucca’s V Wall painting the marlin in memory of Ben.


BENNY Bop, the well-loved Nambucca born-and-bred lad who passed in 2019 aged 23 years, this week had a rock-painting on the V Wall created for him by traveling mural artist Jarad Danby.

Ben’s mum, Lesa Cryer, who has lived and worked with her family in Nambucca for 33 years, has admired Jarad’s work and was thrilled when she saw on the Nambucca Valley Community Facebook Group that Jarad was around the Valley for a few days.

Lesa told News Of The Area, “Ben’s site where he passed was removed by known people; our Council then made sure that any flowers etc were removed on a regular basis.

“Seeing a post of Jarad’s artwork, I asked him if he was ever down this way, could he do a rock at our local V Wall.

“He was finally here, and he made contact.

“Ben loved his fishing and has a site (YouTube and Facebook) called BOPS Fishing, so Jarad and I decided on a marlin to honour Ben.

“Friends and family now have a place to come and talk with him knowing he would have loved this.

“Jarad has done such an amazing job,” said Lesa.

Jarad told News Of The Area, “The rock is located next to another rock which features a commemoration to Lesa’s late husband, and her son’s father.

“So now father and son have their own rocks next to each other.

“The painting is pretty simple, a lot smaller than I’m used to working on, my specialty being large scale paintings, and is accompanied by some memorial text.

“Seeing the happiness and meaning that it has brought to Lesa was touching and made the job a very pleasant one for me to work on.

“I think art is characterised by its ability to capture memories and give meaning, so any job where I can ply my trade in that capacity is fulfilling.

“I was bombarded with barrages of supportive remarks and questions from inquisitive onlookers, and lots of chats were had.

“Almost everyone that I spoke to suggested that I should paint the water tower at Nambucca Heads; local enthusiasm for that project appearing seemingly abundant.”

Jarad said he is super keen to create a mural on the water tower.

To connect with Jarad see: @_danby.




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