OPINION: Never too late for change


DEAR News of the Area,

WITH the up and coming Council elections it will be interesting to see which candidates for Council will have the courage to change the direction of the Cultural Centre and apply for “Change of Useage” altering the design to incorporate a Performing Arts Centre of Excellence to replace Council offices (it is not built yet).

This candidate may be assured of at least 15,000 votes.

This 1000+ seat venue would adequately meet the current demand for Eisteddfods, theatre performances, both international and local.

Weekly dances and live theatre would make this venue financially viable and help with the debt that the ratepayers of Coff Harbour have been lumbered with.

We are currently overloaded with sports venues, but nothing is available for evening entertainment for youth other than alcohol which eliminates those under 18 years of age. Bookings could be taken all year which would bring people of all ages to the venue to enjoy undercover live entertainment which would have the right acoustics and up-to-date technical sound system.

As I mentioned before, a rooftop ‘Fine Dining Restaurant’ would put a candle on the cake.

Don’t be fobbed off by the offer of a youth centre in the present Council Chamber building which is supposedly now unsuitable for Council staff.

I can’t see where Council has the ability to dictate what their present building can be used for if sold for $74M.

If it’s not good enough for Council it’s not good enough for you.

“He who denies others denies himself nothing.”

Will you be waiting another 20 years for your Performance Centre?


Boambee East.

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